

For this piece I was hoping to show a good example of why I believe lying has become so commonplace in today's society. The first thing that you notice is the man pointing at Santa and the others, but when you read the text you realize what he's actually doing…Lying.   As we grow we are taught that all these grand things like Santa or the Tooth Fairy exist, while at the same time we're being punished for lying about taking a cookie from the jar.   It took a while to decide exactly how I wanted to go about getting my point across.

I started this piece off with a picture of Santa, and one of the Easter Bunny.   Eventually I decided to put a parent and child inside of a room. The father is pointing out the holiday “characters” to his son.   Along the walls on the inside of the house (which I made with a tiny picture of wallpaper), is a slew of words and sentences that all focus around the aspect of lying. With the cross, I wanted to show that the majority of children have no idea that Christmas or Easter has anything to do with Christ.   I enjoyed putting this piece together, and it has started a few good discussions with people about the subject.